The coronula, or “Little Crown”, of Christ the King is one of the dearest and most precious sacramentals associated with the CCR. This Little Crown, which perhaps no one will ever see, provides a beautiful and constant reminder of our Captain and King, and provides a small penance that we can do daily in His honor.
As our sins placed the Crown of Thorns on Our Lord's Head to mock His kingship, so we place the Little Crown on our persons to honor it.
The coronula is exactly what it sounds like: a smaller, lighter version of the Crown of Thorns placed on Our Lord's head, in mockery of His sacred kingship. Our Lord's Crown of Thorns, of course, was horrible, not only a hateful mockery but an excruciating agony, digging into His sacred flesh and drawing His Precious Blood. The Little Crown must be designed not to cause real injury; such agonies are given by the Lord, not claimed by His people.
Instead, the Little Crown is merely a mild penance at most, perhaps an occasional prick, and should on no account cause visible injury, much less draw blood. It is made of any suitable material—rope, such as paracord, or leather are excellent options—woven together, with very small “thorns” included. As noted, care must be taken that these “thorns” be nothing more than a minor inconvenience to be offered to the Lord, and cause no injury. They can be made of metal, wood, or any other suitable material.
The coronula as a whole is worn around the wrist, waist, or some other place on the person. Care must be taken that this is not a pious display; this is a penance for and in honor of Our Lord, not for our own glorification. It may be seen, of course, and if seen if may be explained, but such should never be our goal in wearing it. Just as our sins placed the Crown of Thorns on Our Lord's Head to mock His kingship, so we place the Little Crown on our persons to honor it. Let us keep this always in the center of our devotions to Him.
Christus vincit! Christus regnat! Christus imperat!