In a time of
unprecedented crisis in the Catholic Church,
Christ is calling us to support and rebuild His Church
through serious Catholic action. Prayer; fasting; good
works. [T]his kind is not cast out but by prayer and
Mt. 17:20 First and foremost, by
spreading His message to the world, more in need of it than
ever before. Going therefore, teach ye all nations;
baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son,
and of the Holy Ghost.
Mt. 28:19
Christ made us; Christ loves us; Christ redeemed us; Christ ever helps us and rules us. Christ is truly our King.
In an age of self-will which makes the builders of the Tower of Babel look meek and humble of heart, we need Christ the King. The doctrine of Christ as King of the universe is the remedy for all our present ills. The Confraternity of Christ the King prays, fasts, and works for the good of the Church by spreading this message among Catholics and all people.
The Confraternity of Christ the King, or CCR, is an organization of primarily lay faithful (though membership is also open to clerics) which is dedicated to the following goals: