Faith is the guiding principle and entire purpose of the Confraternity of Christ the King; namely, our faith in Christ the King, Who redeemed us by His death, and in the rightness and justice of His rule. There is no question more central to who we are and what we do.
As the Principle of Non-contradiction affirms, there can be only one true religion; and as history, philosophy, and theology all confirm, that one true religion is the Catholic Faith. All members of the CCR are faithful Catholics, who believe all the truths that the Catholic Church teaches; indeed, we must take an oath that we believe it, and that we will hold fast to it no matter what may come, before we join.
But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach a gospel to you besides that which we have preached to you, let him be anathema. Gal 1:8
The CCR recognizes that the world is changing; however, we also recognize that Christ is not changing. Christ remains ever new, yet ever the same. No matter how, or who, wishes to change what He passed down to us, we must resist it, and remain ever faithful to the Faith which He gave to the Apostles and which has been passed down, whole and entire, to the present day.
Nor is this changelessness a problem, or even discouraging.
Indeed, this stability, this rock which the builders
and which has since become the cornerstone, is
the only thing that makes sense of the world and makes life
worth living.
Christ is changeless; He is changeless love, He is changeless help, He is changeless transformation into the better, more perfect versions of ourselves that He wishes us to be.
For this reason, we remain loyal to Christ; rather than abandon this faith, we would gladly die. May He give us the strength to remain true to it forever.
Christus vincit! Christus regnat! Christus imperat!