The Laudes Regiæ, or Royal Praises, is an ancient litany of praises and petitions with roots that go back even to pagan times, though of course it has been redirected to Christ the King rather than earthly rulers. We pray to Christ, for the Pope, the King, and all others, and invoke the saints to pray for us, as well.
Parts of this prayer should always be prayed in Latin, the universal language of the Church, even when the remainder is prayed in some vernacular; these phrases should be very well known and universally understood. These phrases are the chorus: Christus vincit! Christus regnat! Christus imperat! This means, βChrist conquers! Christ reigns! Christ is the ruler!β This ancient refrain has graced the Church from Roman times, and accompanied the great ceremonies of Charlemagne. The other is Exaudi, Christe! (βChrist, graciously hear!β)
Ch. Christus vincit! Christus regnat! Christus imperat!
β£. Exaudi, Christe! β. Exaudi, Christe!
β£. Eternal salvation to the Holy Church of God.
β£. Redeemer of the world, β. help her!
β£. Holy Mary, β. help her!
β£. Holy Mother of the Church, β. help her!
β£. Queen of the Apostles, β. help her!
β£. Saint Michael, Gabriel, and Raphael, β. help her!
β£. Saint John the Baptist, β. help her!
β£. Saint Joseph, β. help her!
Ch. Christus vincit! Christus regnat! Christus imperat!
β£. Exaudi, Christe! β. Exaudi, Christe!
β£. Life to N., the High Priest and universal father!
β£. Savior of the world, β. help him!
β£. Saint Peter, β. help him!
β£. Saint Paul, β. help him!
Ch. Christus vincit! Christus regnat! Christus imperat!
β£. Exaudi, Christe! β. Exaudi, Christe!
β£. Life to the Catholic bishops and the worshippers of the apostolic faith, and to the faithful in their care!
β£. Savior of the world, β. help them!
β£. Saint Andrew, β. help them!
β£. Saint James, β. help them!
β£. Saint John, β. help them!
β£. Saint Thomas, β. help them!
β£. Saint James, β. help them!
β£. Saint Philip, β. help them!
β£. Saint Bartholomew, β. help them!
β£. Saint Matthew, β. help them!
β£. Saint Simon, β. help them!
β£. Saint Thaddeus, β. help them!
β£. Saint Matthias, β. help them!
β£. Saint Barnabas, β. help them!
β£. Saint Luke, β. help them!
β£. Saint Mark, β. help them!
β£. Saints Timothy and Titus, β. help them!
Ch. Christus vincit! Christus regnat! Christus imperat!
β£. Exaudi, Christe! β. Exaudi, Christe!
β£. Holy Roman Protomartyrs, β. help them!
β£. Saint Ignatius, β. help them!
β£. Saint Polycarp, β. help them!
β£. Saint Cyprian, β. help them!
β£. Saint Boniface, β. help them!
β£. Saint Stanislas, β. help them!
β£. Saint Thomas, β. help them!
β£. Saints John and Thomas, β. help them!
β£. Saint Josaphat, β. help them!
β£. Saint Paul, β. help them!
β£. Saints John and Isaac, β. help them!
β£. Saint Peter, β. help them!
β£. Saint Charles, β. help them!
β£. Saint Agnes, β. help them!
β£. Saint Cecilia, β. help them!
β£. All holy martyrs, β. help them!
β£. Saint Clement, β. help them!
β£. Saint Athanasius, β. help them!
β£. Saint Leo the Great, β. help them!
β£. Saint Gregory the Great, β. help them!
β£. Saint Ambrose, β. help them!
β£. Saint Augustine, β. help them!
β£. Saints Basil and Gregory, β. help them!
β£. Saint John, β. help them!
β£. Saint Martin, β. help them!
β£. Saint Patrick, β. help them!
β£. Saints Cyril and Methodius, β. help them!
β£. Saint Charles, β. help them!
β£. Saint Robert, β. help them!
β£. Saint Francis, β. help them!
β£. Saint John Nepomucene, β. help them!
β£. Saint Pius, β. help them!
β£. All holy popes and doctors, β. help them!
Ch. Christus vincit! Christus regnat! Christus imperat!
β£. Exaudi, Christe! β. Exaudi, Christe!
β£. To all peoples and all men of good will: peace from God, abundance of things, and righteousness of customs and civility.
β£. Saint Anthony, β. help them!
β£. Saint Benedict, β. help them!
β£. Saint Bernard, β. help them!
β£. Saint Francis, β. help them!
β£. Saint Dominic, β. help them!
β£. Saint Philip, β. help them!
β£. Saint Vincent, β. help them!
β£. Saint John Mary, β. help them!
β£. Saint Catharine, β. help them!
β£. Saint Teresa of Jesus, β. help them!
β£. Saint Rose, β. help them!
β£. All holy priests and religious, β. help them!
β£. All holy laymen, β. help them!
Ch. Christus vincit! Christus regnat! Christus imperat!
β£. To Him alone are rule, praise, and rejoicing, forever and ever. β. Amen.
Ch. Christus vincit! Christus regnat! Christus imperat!
β£. That they may have good times! β. That they may have good times!
β£. Redeemed by the Blood of Christ!
β£. Happily! β. Happily! β£. Happily!
β£. May the Peace of Christ come! β. May the reign of Christ come! Thanks be to God! Amen.