Miguel Augustín Pro, loyal son of Mexico, but first above all loyal soldier of Christ the King! Fr. Pro began his seminary formation as the persecution in Mexico was heating up, and had to do most of his studying in the United States and in Spain, but returned to Mexico to serve his people as soon as he was able. Despite the strenuous, even vicious, persecution of Catholics being committed by the anti-Catholic government of Plutarco Calles, Fr. Pro served his people with courage and devotion, heedless of the execution he knew would almost certainly come. Indeed, he hoped for it, to unite himself to the sufferings of his King! His service to the people of Mexico, and most of all his resounding success in it (which he always attributed to Christ and not himself), so frustrated the government that they had him executed without even the courtesy of a show trial, in hatred of the Faith. Chock-full of first-hand accounts of the martyr's life and photographs of his glorious martyrdom, this book in an excellent tale for the devotees of Christ the King.
¡Viva Cristo Rey!
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