Goalsāthat is, final endsāmake us what we are. It is vital, therefore, to have clearly defined goals for any organization; indeed, much more vital than to have clearly defined means. Therefore, the CCR lays its goals out clearly and explicitly, for all to see.
Goalsāthat is, final endsāmake us what we are, and are thus much more important than means.
The CCR is aimed first and foremost at establishing in the modern world the Catholic doctrine of Christ the King. In addition, it is aimed at improving the spiritual life of its members, especially by encouraging prayer and fasting. Finally, it is aimed at all the corporal and spiritual works of mercy, most especially serving the poor and teaching about the earthly and social reign of Christ the King. Since Christ our King spent so much of His earthly life in the service of the poor and the education of the world in His Truth, we see no greater goal for our own lives, and dedicate our work to these same ends.
We pursue these ends as established in our rule, the way that Christ taught us to pursue them, and the way that Christians have always pursued them: