The Prayer to Our Lord Jesus Christ the King, written by Pope Pius XI in 1923, is one of the primary points of CCR spirituality. Even the comes prays it once per day; the miles prays it three times a day. It is a perfect summary of what it means to be in the CCR, and thus it deserves the attention and the frequent prayer.
O Lord Jesus Christ, I confess that thou art the universal King. Everything which has been made was created for thee. Enforce all thy rights in me. I renew the vows of Baptism, renouncing Satan and his pomps and works, and I promise that I will live as a good Christian. Also I bind myself to work, as far as there is power within me, for the triumph of the rights of God and of thy Church. O divine Heart of Jesus, I offer to thee my poor actions to obtain that all hearts might know thy holy Kingship, and that thus thy kingdom of peace may be established throughout the whole world. Amen.
This prayer is admirable for its depth of expression in its simplicity of words:
Pray this often! It gives glory to Christ and it recenters the Christian on his true end.
Christus vincit! Christus regnat! Christus imperat!