Becoming a comes is the first and easiest thing you can do to help the Confraternity of Christ the King. The obligations are few, and the process is very simple. We'll walk you through them; by the time you're done with this page, you will be a comes of the Confraternity.
First, you must profess your faith; if you are not comfortable with Latin, the English is immediately thereafter.
Ego, N., his verbis juro quod nunc credo et semper credam omnes veritates quas ecclesia sancta catholica, sola semita ad Deum et in cælos, docet; name Deus ipse eas revelavit, qui non aut decipere aut decipi potest. I, (state your name), swear by these words that I do now believe and always will believe all the truths which the Holy Catholic Church, the sole path to God and to heaven, teaches; for God Himself has revealed them, Who can neither deceive nor be deceived.
The comes need only proise that he will fulfil the obligations of pray and work; that is, that he will pray the Prayer to Christ the King once per day; that he will pray the Laudes Regiæ on Sundays and feasts of Christ the King; and that he will fast and abstain from meat on Fridays. If you wish to do this, you merely take the oath:
In nomine Patris, et Filii, et Spiritus Sancti. Ego, N., orabo et laborabo ad instaurendu regnum terrenum et socialem Domini nostri Jesu Christi, Regis Universi, sic regula hujus Consociationis comitem requirit, et in omnibus modis qui in potestate mea sunt. Christus vincit! Christus regnat! Christus imperat! In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. I, (state your name), will pray and work for the establishment of the earthly and social reign of Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe, as the rule of this Confraternity requires a comrade to do, and in all ways which are within my power. Christ conquers! Christ reigns! Christ is the ruler!
And now you are a comes of the Confraternity! Thank you for your prayers, fasts, and works; may God reward your love and generosity!
Now, if you wish to be enrolled in the census of the Confraternity, fill out the following form. This is not mandatory; do this only if you want to be on the rolls. The rolls are not public, are not accessible to the Internet, and in no case will be provided to anyone other than the Confraternity itself; we use them only for the purposes of contacting members, informing them of changes, and so forth.