To start a new chapter of the CCR may sound daunting; however, starting a chapter is nearly as easy as joining one. Remember that a chapter may consist of as few as a single member, though multiple members is always better. So if there is no chapter in your area (as is likely, as the CCR is a new and young organization, still growing and spreading), don't be discouraged: you can become a chapter yourself.
Know the Rule Be familiar with the CCR's Rule. It is not complicated, and it is a very basic baseline of knowledge for how to run your chapter.
Follow the Rule To start a chapter, you must take on the obligations of a miles: to pray the Prayer to Our Lord Jesus Christ the King three times a day, to pray the Laudes on Sundays and feasts of Christ the King, and to fast and abstain from meat on Fridays. Promise to uphold these obligations, and do in fact uphold them for a time. By itself, this won't make you a miles; but it will prepare you for being one.
Study Christ the King Spend some time learning about the doctrine of Christ the King and the other social teachings of the Church. A valuable resource for this is the Catechism of Christ the King: a short, easily understood explanation of what we mean when we talk about the Kingship of Christ. To become a true member, you will need to demonstrate your knowledge of what this contains; so you will not only be increasing your understanding, you'll be preparing yourself for your entrance into the CCR.
Reach out to the Senate The Senate will need to verify that you have done the previous two items on this list. If you can travel to an already-existing local chapter for the official admission to the CCR, so much the better! But if not, the Senate can do so remotely.
Start work Start working! Have your first meeting; work for the poor; teach about Christ the King. Begin! Age viriliter; noli morare!
Christus vincit! Christus regnat! Christus imperat!